Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fuller's Earth for Fuel Treatment

Everyone knows its a bad idea to have dirt or water in your fuel. This is especially true for aircraft fuel systems. Not only is it much more inconvenient to pull your jet over to the side of the road, but because of the elevation fuel line freeze-up is more likley.
However dirt and grime are not the only threats to an airplane. If bacteria begins to grow in the fuel system, which is more than possible with the presense of H2O, corrosion and errors in the signals for the fuel guages can cause serious issues.
So where does this contamination come from? Here are a few common culprits:
  • Some come from the refinary durring treatment
  • Others come from the pipelines, transport trucks, ships and barges.
  • Maintenance materials like soaps, detergents, rust prevenatives, etc.

Want to know more? Check out this great article from Jaxon Filtration

Not only do they explain the problem in grave detail but they also discuss the solution!!

Fuller's Earth for Fuel Treatment

Monday, April 1, 2013

Review: From Tankers to Drums: Reducing Haul Away.

The Client:

A well known provider of advanced LED lighting and display technology,  recently relocated to the greater Cleveland, Ohio area.

The Problem:

This company endured substantial costs in having to haul away the waste water from the nickel sulfamate rinse in their electro forming process.   

The Process:

Poly Products reviewed their needs and offered choices based on their goal to reduce costs in an environmentally conscious way.  

The Solution:

As a result of using the Poly Products Evaporation System, the waste water volume is reduced by evaporating the water out of the waste stream as the impurities collect as solids. What was originally tanker truck volumes are now only 55 gallon drum volumes. 

Learn more about this client and their solutions  read the whole case study From Tankers to Drums: Reducing Haul Away.