From simple bags to complex filtration systems, Senney Enterprises family of companies can solve most of your clean water & air needs.
Friday, February 16, 2018
Turning water into Gold
Tailing ponds are not environmentally friendly... However this is how Gold Mining traditionally deals with the slushy extra waste materials they generate. Another problem is the tailings usually contain about 10-20% of the economic minerals that could not be recovered from the ore. These ponds have historically provided an important water source for mine operations. However, getting rid of the tailing pond would also get rid of a viable water source for the mine.
The first step was to dewater the gold concentrate. Met-Chem used a 1200mm filter press, allowing the excess gold to be sent to the smelter.
The next step was to eliminate the tailing pond by using another 1500MM filter press to dewater the tailings. The solids that were recovered could be sent back to the mines to fill old mine shafts. This allowed the mine to return 100% or the tailing back underground where they belong!
MetChem filter presses have been used in a variety of industries from plating and metal finishing to chemical and food processing to name a few. Their Filter Presses feature heavy duty steel construction with polypro gasketed plates. These filter presses can be manufactured with manual or automatic closures, but always with a hydraulic cylinder for sure, high pressure closing. Met-Chem’s filter presses can be expanded for larger future capacity by building it in a larger skeleton with a distance piece. Once you are ready to expand, you can remove the distance piece and add the extra plates. For More Filter Press information visit Met Chem >>
Diaphragm pump mounted to filter press manifold and catwalk.
Air operated diaphragm pumps are used with filter presses to pump sludge from the bottom of the sludge holding tank into the filter press. These pumps are ideal because they can handle the slurry which is generally about the consistency of a milkshake.
The diaphragm pump usually starts out slowly and gradually ramps up. Once the pump starts to slow back down, (30-60 seconds between thrusts), it is usually an indicator that the filter press is full. At this point the feed pump should be turned off and the valves on the filter press closed as the operator prepares to operate the air-blow-down process.
The diaphragm pump can be manually turned up or an Automatic Pump Control system may be added. This starts the pump at 25 psi, then moves up to 50, 75 and finally 100 psi which is standard operating pressure for the pump.
Met-Chem provides diaphragm pumps in the following sizes: 1”, 1.5”, 2” and 3”. Material of construction ranges from cast iron, aluminum, polypro or stainless steel.
With the purchase of a new Met-Chem filter press Met-Chem can mount your air operated diaphragm pump to the legs of your filter press. This option also includes a flex hose that connects the outlet of the diaphragm pump to the center feed pipe, an air filter, a regulator, and an oiler. We can also provide a mounted diaphragm pump for your existing press.