Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What to do when your filter media is blinding and you can’t filter

In a perfect world filter cloth would hold the particles it's meant to filter and those particles would in turn help to filter the rest of the particles until the filter was full. However, that doesn't always happen. Sometimes the particles clog the material also known as "blinding the media". This results in your filter media no longer filtering.

There are a few reasons this might happen:

  1. The Media itself might not be a good fit for your application. The weave may be too tight, or too loose, the material might be the problem and a mono/multifilament might be the answer. For more information on material choice >>
  2. The media might need to be pre-coated prior to running the solution. The use of a porous "sludge" gets the media ready for the actual filtration of your media. To learn more about pre-coating >>
  3. Similar to pre-coating, a process called Body Feed may be used. This take a porous material and mixes it with the media being filtered. Acting similarly to the pre-coat, this added material keeps the media from blinding. Learn more about body feed >>
 Although this may give you some good ideas, it is always best to consult an expert to help solve your filtration needs.

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