Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Knit tubing

Some application require more than a standard filter. Some times there is too much "stuff" to be filtered out, and a standard filter clogs too easily. We've found that is when knit tubing can really come in handy. It excels at removing the big particles. 

How to use it?

  • Well it could be as easy as tying a piece of kit tubing over top your existing filter. When it gets clogged just remove, clean, and return. This can dramatically increase the life of your more expensive filter.
  • Run the solution through the knit tubing, think a nylon on the end of the washing machine hose. Fill it up and throw it away!
  • Need your solution to be a uniform consistency? Use knitted tubing to filter out clumps and chunks.  
Those are just a few ideas! 

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